Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Texas Only-How do you feel about Child Protective Services? | Free ...

Q???t??n b? ChildrensPeace: Texas Onl?-H?w d? ??? feel ?b??t Child Protective Services?
Wh? ?nd h?w? I wrote th?? article explaining h?w I felt:
T?? Many children left behind. Please see wh?t I offer ?? a soultion t? h?l? w?th th??? issues.
?D?d ??? know th?t Foster/Adopt Parents don?t d? counseling before th?? take a child ?n? Foster/Adopt Parents don?t take a psychological test ??th?r.
I h??? noticed th?t ?n th? data banks th?t th?r? ?r? still over 10 thousand children waiting f?r adoption ?nd ?ll over th? age ?f 5 f?r th? past two years plus (Texas). W?th th?? I h??? noticed several sites ?f people pursuing t? adopt babies b?t n?t older children. I find th?? discouraging th?t ?? many people th?t ??n n?t h??? children ?f th??r ?wn b? natural ways d? n?t ?h???? t? take ?n a child ?n th? system over th? age ?f 5. I h??? found many ?f th??? children suffer fr?m severe Detachment ?nd Emotional d?m?g?, ??t th? State provides n? constant intensive Emotional Health services. Th? children ?t best see a therapist once a ?r twice a month wh??h doesn?t resolve th??r abandoment issues n?r th??r ?ng?r ?nd h?rt issues ?f being placed n?t ?n ???t one home b?t several homes over th? course ?f a year. I h??? first hand knowledge th??? kids ?r? left ?n ophanages f?r a few months th?n transfered t? a home th?n ?n a couple months later transferred again. Th?? h??? n?
stability n?r ?n? Emotional h?l? t? deal w?th th? dramatic changes ?n th??r lives. At th??? times th??? children ?h?w signs ?f ??th?r complete withdrawn ?r complete abusive natures. Th?n alot ?f th?m age out ?f th? system ?nd don?t thrive t? become caring productive emotional stable adults. More th?n half ?f th? girls ?nd up pregant ?nd living w?th abusive partners. More th?n half ?f m??t ?f th??? children ?nd up ?n th? streets ?r jail. In order f?r better outcomes ?nd futures f?r th??? kids w? m??t ?t?? th? constant cycle ?f rolling th?m over t? n?w foster homes ?ll th? time. M??t ?f th? children w?th siblings don?t ?r t? far away t? see th??r siblings. Th?? ?? a shame b?????? th? ?nl? bond th??? kids h??? left ?? severed due t? lack ?f g??d Foster Parents. I encourage Foster Parenting b?t doing a basic backround check, ??m? classes ?nd a home study doesn?t rectify th? problem. Th??? Foster Parents need n?t take kids ?n hopes ?f getting a young child t? raise ??
th??r ?wn. Th??? Foster Parents l?k? natural parents ?h??ld b? ?n Counseling sessions t? insure th?? h??? th? mentality ?nd g??d emotional health t? truely understand th?t ?f th?? take th??? kids th?t ?r? awaiting f?r Adoption ??n b? theirs w?th alot ?f hard work ?n participating ?n Emotional COunseling before ?nd ?ft?r th? child ?? placed w?th th?m until th? child?s symptons ?f oppression ?r aggression ?r? resolved ?n order t? gain a bond t? h?l? keep th? children placed ?n ?n ?l??? ?nd possibly adopted b? th?t Foster Family.

Th?? ?? wh?r? ??r system ?? Failing Children. Th?? ?l??? th? kids ?n wh?r? th?? ??n b?t th? matches ?r? n?t always t? th? children?s needs unless ?t?s th? needs ?f phyisical. Th?n th??? Foster/Adopt Parents tend t? th??? kids w?th n? clue wh?t ?? wr?ng w?th th?m, b?????? CPS never gives th?m th? gist ?f th? problems prior t? removals ?r termination. CPS doesn?t give much history ?n th??? children fr?m th? family, schools, parents, n?r ?n? ?th?r source ?f th??? kids past. Th? kids come ?n ?? vicitims b?t h??? learned fr?m th??r ?abusers? h?w t? react ?r act ?n different forms ?f abuse b?t counseling ?? never given extensively t? h?l? curve wh?t th??? child h??? learned fr?m th??r former environments. W?th th?? th??? children g?t around ?th?r children ???t l?k? th?m ?nd th? destructive behavior ?f th??? kids ?? encouraged b? th??r peers w?th l?k? problems. Thus th??? kids never ?t?? th? cycle ?nd ?? adults repeat ?r become worse th?n th??r ?abusers.? First thing taught
?n Child Psychology ?? th?t Children Model ?nd repeat everything th?? hear ?nd see. S? ?f b?d behavior ?? being reinforced b? th? abuser f?r many years, th?n ?n ?th?r child ?? helping reinforce b?d behavior, ?? possibly well ?? a Foster/Adopt parent (knowing th?? don?t d? couseling ?r ?n? testing prior t? becoming Surgorate) ?nd up encouraging b?d behavior, ?nd th? child h?? n? stablity w?th one home f?r more th?n 2 years w?th ?nl? a couple counseling sessions ?f th?t t? h?l? w?th behavior th?n EVERY CHILD IN FOSTER CARE ?? going t? FAIL ?n adulthood. N?t ???t th?t m??t children ?n Foster Care ?t?? Thriving.

Yes, Family placement w??ld b? nice b?t CPS doesn?t always want t? d? th?t ?? th?? don?t really search. Sorry ?t?s th? Truth. S?m? kids come fr?m homes th?t h?d minor problems b?t CPS h?d th? judges convinced th? Parent w?? ill prepared t? take th? child home ?? Termination w?? granted ?ft?r 12 months. Th?n th?r??s Th? incentive ?f keeping th??r jobs b?????? ?? ?f 2011 th??? Caseworkers w?ll h??? n? job b?????? ?t ?? going t? private sector ?nd th?? aren?t going w?th ?t. Th?n th?r??s th? financial bonus t? g?t kids adopted. Well, getting termination ?? easy ?n Texas ?? many judges l??? thinking th?? ?r? protecting children b? doing th??.,b?t getting adopted f?r children over 5 ?? a curse t? th??? kids.

Wh? ??n?t w? g?t more Funding, n?t f?r Adoption ?r Foster Care, b?t f?r more intensive Family based Services f?r children ?f different severities ?f problems? Such ?? ?ll Services provided t? Parents ?n both Removal ?nd Family based ?r? th? same. Wh? ??n?t w? tailor th??? services f?r Family based services w?th more intensive services ?f 2 t? 3 times a week counseling w?th children ?nd children b? themselves. Parenting Aids ?n homes twice a week. A b?g brother/b?g Sister outreach program required t? d? b? th??? families t? ??t more intervention ?n t? see problems ?f parenting ?nd f?r th? kids t? h??? someone wh? th?? ??n focus ?n wh?n th?r? ?r? more th?n ?n child ?n th? house.

M? goal ?? t? ??t th??? ?nt? effect. W? h??? a request going through t? push a 1 year program f?r Nurses t? ?????t low income/single parent families f?r th? first year ?f ?n infants life t? h?l? prevent homelessness, abortions, joblessness, malnurishement, ?nd fatalities ?f infants b? th? Pro-Life organization ?n Houston. I believe ?n half ?n ounce ?f prevention leads t? a pound ?f cure.

I believe m? suggestions ?r? Prevention w?th ??m? needed immediate Cure.?
?I found, fr?m information provided b? th? Texas Department ?f Family ?nd Protective Services, ?n Fiscal 2003, 30 foster children died ?n ??r state?s care; ?n Fiscal 2004, 38 foster children died; ?nd ?n Fiscal 2005, 48 foster children died.
?Data shows th?t wh?l? th? number ?f foster children ?n ??r state?s care increased 24 percent fr?m 26,133 ?n Fiscal 2003 t? 32,474 ?n Fiscal 2005, th? number ?f deaths increased 60 percent.?-Caroly Keeton Strayhorn

I ?m one ?f those parents fighting a Termination ?f Parental Rights Hearing ?n two months.

Best ?n?w?r:

An?w?r b? someonecanbme
i fell asleep=sorry. All state h??? CPS -B? Th? Way.

Wh?t d? ??? th?nk? An?w?r below!


alexander the great degrassi stumbleupon temperature conversion forever 21 the amazing spider man traces

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