Monday, September 24, 2012

Be A Better Blogger, Know How People Use The Internet

As far as I remember, the internet was primarily used for two things ? research and communication. Back then, people went online for information but were unable to voice out their opinions on articles and exchange thoughts with readers. Communication lines were also limited to email and chat rooms. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, the internet evolved into an online community where we get to have identities that are separate or closely knit to our personal lives.

The influx of internet users gave bloggers and other personalities an open window. For them it was a chance to make readers out of internet users and this holds true until today. If you want to follow their footsteps, one of the first things you should do is analyze how people use the internet. A deep understanding of these trends can help you be a better blogger since it allows you to address their needs.

How people use the internet

1. Communication. These days, people still use the internet for communication but its reach has extended well and beyond. People can now communicate through instant messaging (IM) services, social networks, forums, and blog comments in addition to email. Today, you can communicate through voice and video; not just in written words.

2. Social networking. People often use social networks to get in touch with family and friends but they can also be used to meet new individuals based on the same interests.

3. Sharing, transferring, downloading, and storing files. With the availability of high-speed options, file servers, cloud services, and torrents, more people are using the internet to download, share, transfer, and store files in a virtual pool.

4. Entertainment. People go online these days to play games, stream music and videos, and find other sources of entertainment.

5. Learn about the latest news. When people hear something from social networks for the first time, one of the first things they do is look it up at search engines.

6. Find information. Whether they need to troubleshoot something or simply want to learn more about a particular subject, the internet serves as an online library for people of all ages.

Being a better blogger

1. Be accessible. Since people use the internet to communicate, you want to be accessible to your readers. Set up a separate email and IM where readers can reach you if they need your expert advice. The same accounts leaves your doors open for advertising, sponsorship, and other business opportunities.

2. Sign up for social media. Readers can reach you more easily through social networks. More importantly though, social media can expose your blog to wider audiences and bring in traffic. Many bloggers use their social networks to share posts on their blogs. When you get enough followers, they can even help you land some money-making gigs.

3. Share useful links to download sources on your posts. Readers will appreciate your effort to make things easier for them. Make sure that the sources you link to are reliable and legal.

4. Make your content more interesting to readers by adding media to your site. Share a related video about your recent blog post or come up with video tutorials and podcasts. Don?t forget to sign up for accounts on YouTube and other related services to keep your media content organized. These accounts can help you establish your online identity and make it easier for people to find you.

5. Update your blog more frequently. You want to be one of the first sources of news and information.

6.Publish articles which readers will find useful. Rather than making everyone read your content, you want to target people who are interested in your topics.

About the Author:

Judene Macariola has been blogging for five years. He usually writes gadget reviews and technology but once in a while, he shares tips on blogging. Judene currently works at Broadband Expert, a company that helps home and business owners find the perfect internet providers for their needs.


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